Shlompitude Nation

Here's my twenty-pence A series of thoughts from your favourite Shlompitude Nationers, and a few from your less favourite Shlompitude Nationers. "Frizbees are the answer...and Caarrs..." - Cousin Stupid

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Well, twenty-pence-my-milch. I've been up and doyn the cunnntry-son and I cannot believe the idiots living in "Petrrol Stations" as they say in Frrance-son. "Do ye want a twenty?" Noy! I do nay want a twenty! As ye should noy, I already have a twenty, and if I see yours ye will brreak the law-son-milch. I 'ate it. I'ate it I tell ye. I tell ye noy.

See you in a bit!



"I believe frizbees are the answer" - Cousin Stupid